Monday, June 29, 2009

(Half has gone, let's see how the other half will fare)

Here We Go Again ♥/-
So today was the first day of school of Term 3 and let me just say that it was okay :)
Surprisingly Miss Tan was nice today, this semester would be interesting with her as our form teacher even though i'm already missing Miss Koh very very muchh :(
Today was a cockup day :P
First, i forgot to bring my big pinkk file which btw, carries ALL MY HOLIDAY HOMEWORK!!! :(
Second, i didn't bring the June babies's birthday presents!!! :(
Third, good no more :)
Anyway, the H1N1 hand-washing video was LMAO like seriously who will wash their hands that thoroughly every single time???
Temperature taking was hilarious today. After taking temperature and everybody sit down, i suddenly coughed. Then Miss Tan straight away look up and stare at me with her big glassy eyes and went "Who coughed?! Yeqing! You cough ah! Come and wear a mask!!!"
wthhh right so i was like "Uh i choked on my saliva one" Then she still stare at me in a suspicious way lol.
Today was sneezing day lol. I thinkk sneezed at least like 11 times today luh wth the class was super dusty i could like feel the dust under my allergic nose pfft!
Changed seats again and now i'm finally not sitting in the 1st row yay :D Back to 4th row with Amanda as my table mateee this will be fun 8) Miss Isabelle & Tricia & TS & Dillon lol they are crazy people haha! Kindof miss 1st row though, sitting down there made me pay more attention in class lol.
Recieved some of my belated birthday presents today awww they're all so cute, luv them very much darlings Alina Shu Chuin Isabelle Yu Shan Iris thankyou! 8D Haven taken pictures yet, am waiting for the rest first lol lol lol :P
Had that QA worksheet to do during chem today and grrr us aspen peeps didn't bring the answers so have to do again pfft! In the end i went to borrow the answers from Isaac lol that stupid boy make me borrow something until so mafan one lol but anyhoo thanks man :)
But nonono first i shall display my new hairstyle first haha! Hmmm some people say long hair nicer, some people say short hair nicer, and some people say both also nice lol. People's reactions were funny. They see me and they say hello. Then after saying byebye then they do a double take and say "OMG YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!!!" lmao!
Hahaha okay now for today's camwhore which is only 2 pathetic pix in the toilet with the sushi lol :] And 2 more with Audrey yesterday :)
(Hehe i like this picture v. much!)
That's all for today y'all, me wants to sleep early :)
I find it kind of funny when
you look at me like that,
and don't say anything at all.


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