Saturday, August 8, 2009

(Baby, you're my shooting star)

My L.O.V.E ♥/-
Hey y'all people out there :)
Heh okay i've been like superrr lazy this few months and i know i haven updated for like superrr long already so here's a long post for you! :P
Many things have been going on lately, and many many events :) It would take forever for me to update you on everything luh so we'll just settle with the recents kay!
Tests have been looking up xcept for the horrible math test the other day, that i would fail :( But the rest have been okay. Better results = Happy parents = More freedom ;D Hope i can keep this up! ^^ So far this term i've been working really hard yay :) My dearrr group gives me motivation to work & play!
Also, i'm very grateful that Mr. Ng postponed the indoor test to 14 August, because we'll get 4 days of holiday to practice hard! :D
Oh and btw, because Mummy's very happy with me, she bought me the entire Adobe Creative 4 Suite web premium for $99!!! Student pack mah :) So now i've got Photoshop yay! Imma very happy girl :D
Life with my dear donuts have been nothing but fun and laughter :D
I super love my current sitting place! Love my group so much: I've got Manda (meimei) beside me, Jia Min & Shu Lin (Daddy & Mummy) behind us hehe! The 4 of us can talk about like anything lah hahaha! They make lesson time so much more interesting ^^
It's funny how Amanda & me can create all sorts of games for the 4 of us, (all even our distance partners!) to play to entertain ourselves during boring chinese lessons :P (Sorry ZAQ!) So far there's Mastermind, Hangman, Flip-the-Erasers, 终极密码(with forfeits), Competing who can fold the most number of boxes/aeroplanes/boats etc. with just one piece of A4 size paper, and the launch of our own airlines: A & I air! Check out our fun man :)
Have recently been taking alot of pictures in class :P Next time i slowly post them kay.
For now, here's a lil treat for you :)
SSS has been surprisingly quite good! The teachers actually teach us things, and the Math & KSP room are conducive environments to study in :) Cept for one unproductive day though, the guys were crapping sick nothings over my banana holder pfft lol haha! Have been going home with Dionne dearrrr after sss and once, we had the whole top deck of bus 196 to ourselves! Cool or what hehe!
Shall post the pictures that i owe JingMei firsttt hehe! The other day we were in the toilet ...
National Day celeb was yesterday and at first, it was hell boring in the parade square luh, see for 8 years already leh :] But then after that the games in class were quite fun. My group won woohoo! :D Luv y'all hehe: Chu Yang Shu Chuin Isabelle Tricia Shu Lin Jon Hao Nan :) Face-painting was fun hehehe, drew tattoos all over my body after that woots! Si Jia drew a most artistic one on my neck for me, cool man it actually looked like a real one ^^ Next time ask her for more tattoos! Most pix are with Miss Tan haha, won't post all though, you can get it on our class blog. Home with Dionne & Jing Mei after that! Btw, Happy Birthday Richard :D
Can you see the lightning streak? :)
Outings with Carissa! :) Had dinner @ Sakae sushi on Tuesday with our mums, but yesterday was our shopping date together @ Bugis yay :D Was really fun shopping with her man, she really shops! :P She spent like, x2 of what i spent leh haha! We bought matching T-shirts & bracelets yay! Met her dad @ Iluma haha so coincidental! So sad that she's going back to the US so soon :( Okay picturez! Posting a few only, all of it's on Facebook so go check it out!
I love love my very chio nails
Btw, she gave me presents! Thnks alot for the Abercrombie shirt, it rocks :D + the cute notebook & tasty treats! I already can't wait to next year when you come back! Hehe, love you many many much babe! ♥
Alright that's about it, loooong post, no? :P
Shall post more pixels next time!
But now, i've got homework to attend to :]
Nvm, tomorrow will be another fun day :)
I've come to realise that it isn't
you that i've been missing,
but rather the feeling of
having you around all the time.

P.S I'm extremely hating the fact that Twitter is down, and has been for 3 whole days!!! :( Hope you get well soon my dearrr Twitter! Or else i can't tweet!
P.P.S Wthhh it's easier to blog using IE then Firefox!

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