Sunday, August 9, 2009

(Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!)

The header says it all ♥ /-
Yup so a big Happy Birthday to Singapore!
A really short post here, cos' i'm going out soon! :)
There's a family gathering pot-luck @ Yelin jiejie's house today so it's gonna be real fun, meeting the couzies again! ^^ Am going over early to play hehehe!
Hope y'all have an enjoyable holiday :D Take care!
Will post pictures when i get back ... or maybe another time heh.
Macbeth role-play @ Si Jia's house tmr! My apparently looong holiday is greatly shortened :( Lucky i made the best of yesterday & finished some homework! Me is being hardworking wor ;D
Btw, Get Well Soon Yuzhen! Your very loving (& adorable) daughter loves you very very much, take care kay! Fevers suck :X
Kay better go pack my clothes now else i'll be late! Byeeee :D


I'm just going to don't think about
you for the whole
of today :)

P.S Yay Twitter's working again! But can't get Churp Churp to connect :/ Oh well.
P.P.S fyi my LJ's updated again yay :)

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