Thursday, September 10, 2009

(When the going gets rough, baby just look on the brightside)

On the Brightside ♥/-
Time for an update!
Don't know why, but nowadays updating PAL has become more of a chore then a joy to me oh no :( I want to post so many vids, so many pix, and so many things!!! But lazy me is too lazy to do all that aww haha anyway, this is gonna be a looong update.

“You’re only as tall, as your heart will let you be
& you’re only as small, as the world will make you seem.”

Thankgod YZ posted this on her CCP so that i saw it and heard it!
This has got to be one of the sweetest & most meaningful song i've ever heard :) Beautiful lyrics and such a cute vid!!! Hehe Christofer Drew (Never Shout Never) is my new idol ^^

christofer drew. Pictures, Images and Photos
So cute! :)
Talking about vids, i haven't showed y'all my IDMI film omg how could i have forgot haha! Alright here it is haha really lag i know but still! If you haven't watched it, THEN WATCH NOW. Watch the bloopers too k! Funny moments lmao 8) Sorry for the small screen though! Can't help it luh, we're not professionals you see :]

September holidays have been okay i guess.

Band practice from 8-1pm.
Rushed down to Bugis for aspen intensive bio class with Kim Siang. :)
Lunch after that with Kimmy @ 4pm omg hungry hungry hungry (!!!).
Went home alone while Kimmy went to watch "Where Got Ghosts" all by himself.

Band practice from 8-1pm.
Cabbed to airport with Eli, Sam & Zhen. :)
Parted ways with Sam & Zhen who went to KFC, while me & Eli ate @ Popeye's. :D
Yummy yumz fast food without oily skins plain mashed potato ^^ Thanks for the recommendation zaza! Going out again to eat with her in the future, cos' we're both rice people who eat alot yay :D

Sorry we got too carried away talking while eating that we forgot to take pix! So we took them @ the toilet instead, how cliche haha.
Here's something interesting:
I'm now a Mousehunter on Facebook :)

HAHA LMAO. All i can say it, (in my opinion), it's much more fun then either Restaurant City/Pet Society hehe sorry to all RC/PS fans out there! :P
Btw, i've tidied my whole room and filed all my files and stacked all of them and cleared all my junk today! Yay productive day :D Look!
Anddddd, i've cracked open my century egg ... a weeny bit too hard oops :P It's cracked and fallen apart omg.
I know. It's gross :/
Oh oh! Watch Princess Protection Programme! Really nice hehe Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez are so pretty :)
Princess Protection Programme Pictures, Images and Photos
Ok time to sleep nowww me needs my beauty sleep heh.
Goodnight y'all! Sweet dreams :)

Thanks alot for that sweet thing!
It really made me smile :)

P.S I've created a Tumblr & it's great! :)
P.P.S Oh no i think i'm liking Tumblr more then Blogger now :]
P.P.P.S To move or not to move? :O

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