Thursday, October 22, 2009

(Even the most simple things you say make me smile)

Off The Hook ♥/-
Thankgod the horrible EOYs are over!!! :D
Feeling majorly happy to connect with the cyberworld again after being deprived of it for 2 weeks :] Mugging sensation kind of got to me and turned me into a nerdy girl for awhile hehe, so i'm trying to get rid of that now 8)
Anyhoo yours truly was a kiasu peeeg heheh. Brought 1 electronic dictionary & 1 book dictionary for chinese paper 1, & i borrowed another calculator (thanks Bax :D) and set 1 to degree mode and 1 to radian mode and use together hahaha!
So a little review of the monsters:
Chemistry is the only confident paper.
Like seriously it is omg. LA was ok, Geog & Chinese were cmi, Bio & Math 1 & Math 2 was hard (But how can Math 2 be easier!!!) so that sort of sums it up. But what's done has been done & you can't change it so might as well enjoy these 4 days before the results come right heh ;)
Some pixels during the mugging period:
First step to fun was window shopping @ Suntec + CityLink yesterday with Shu Chuin & Si Jia the babes :) It was so coincidental that we were a walking traffic light ;D
Aww isn't the panda cute! :) Heh had a booming time with them rofl then went to Raffless City to meet mumsy before going home late after dinner :)
what happens in vegas Pictures, Images and Photos
Watched this late @ night hehe my movie craze is back on! So worth it hehe Cameron was hot & Ashton was hotter +++ so damn hilarious & comical go watch if you haven't! :D
Stayed home today though cos' i decided to be lazy heh :P Hmmm what should i do tmr? Ppl sms me if y'all are going out k i don't want to stay @ home! :P Shall go bathe now and watch more movies woohoo more updates when i feel like it k! & oh Bax had high fever the other day :/ Hope you're better now! :) I'm feeling kind of hungry nowww i'll go eat more fruits byeeee ^^

You always make me
laugh so much ♥

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