Friday, October 23, 2009

(Waking up to your retarded ways never fail to make me smile)

Lazy Dazy Baby ♥/-
I'm staying home today again! Haha the parents won't let me out since i'll be out the whole day tmr. Cos' it's class outing @ Marina Barrage tmr!!! 8) Turning it into an educational journey and issuing out consent forms sort of dampened the mood a little but nvm i'm sure it'll be fun with the fun donuts! ;D Omg so excited already HAHA.
Guess who won something from Seventeen mag? 8D
Really happy since it's like the first ever time i won a lucky draw rofl even though it's just a poster. But did i mention that it's a Princess Protection Programme poster??? :D Seventeen is like my favourite mag now hehe i'm now trying to convince mummy to let me subscribe to it for next year! :)
Made of Honor Pictures, Images and Photos
Awesome movie woohoo i didn't realise how hot Patrick Dempsey actually is ;) I think i'm like watching a movie every single day now hahaha i feel like a movie reviewer :P
GOSSIP GIRL Pictures, Images and Photos
Have i ever mentioned that I REALLY WANT TO WATCH GOSSIP GIRL (???)
Really peeved that i can't find a proper website to watch Season 1 - Season 3 argh it's so annoying!!! Amazon on Demand's only available to USA and some website requires you to subscribe to the website which involves $$ argh and mummy doesn't want to buy the DVD for me so argh D:
Can someone recommend any website to me that can watch GG pretty please? Leave a link @ the tagboard k thankyou :)
Don't know what to do today because i can't swim ... something's on if y'know what i mean heh. Nvm i'll go download new songs there's like tons of bloody new songs that are so so addictive hehe have fun y'all! ^^

& I can't wait to
see you again ♥


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