Thursday, November 12, 2009

(Edit: 13th November 2009, 10.15PM)
Hahaha i just realised that i left out a really important point!!!
I made a wish @ 11.11PM on 11/11/2009 hehe hope it comes true! :)
Today is like ironically supposedly a bad day since it's Friday the 13th so cool hahaha all the special days fall on November ^^
K byeee will be back soon for a proper post :D
(We're spiralling down getting lost in each other)

Stranded & Lost ♥/-
Apparently, procrastinating has been my favourite hobby since the exams ended (fine actually it has been all the time heh)
So anyway here's some updates on life :)
Had band practice on Monday which was great :D
Stock-taking was fun despite all the mess (at least my juniors are enthusiastic helpers hehe so proud of you my dears!) and time with Mr. Ng went well, so i guess the only minus side was drills heh :/ Played through Concerto D'Amore Extremely beautiful and nice piece hehe we're playing it on Friday again yippee! Blue Shades is however um, not that appealing heh but we'll see how it goes i'm sure it'll be fun with such funny descriptions on the score haha.
Have a listen to Concerto D'Amore!!! Trust me, it's good

Concerto Damore - Jacob De Haan

Went for lunch with Jing Ren @ Niwa Sushi (Eunos Station) after that, when stupid me realised halfway during the bus trip that i forgot to pass up the Binomial Theorem assignment to Mrs. Tan's locker -.- Managed to keep myself from screaming hysterically on the bus and decided to not panic and have lunch first before heading back to school. Was actually contemplating not passing it up at all, but since i'm helping Sijia & Iris pass up theirs as well there's no choice right?

Now here is the reason for the title:
(Shall type in short sentences not to bore you)
Decided to go back to school via Bus 30 since i came to Eunos on it too.
Walked to the bus-stop and realised that there isn't any bus-stop opposite.
So, walked to the back of the station and found another bus-stop.
Felt relieved. Well that is until i didn't see any "30" signs there.
Jing Ren left on her bus and i was left stranded alone.
Asked some kind people for directions and walked to another bus-stop much further up.
Walked for very long till i finally reached, and guess what it was one short stop before Kembangan station.
Bus-stop was isolated with no one around, but thankgod there was bus 30.
Except it was the going home direction.
Waited around for some kind soul who eventually came along 5 minutes later.
Gave me directions to the correct bus-stop.
Crossed the road. Walked through private estates. Crossed another road. & yet another road.
Which brings me to Telok Kurau Road.
Trees were blocking my view and vertically challenged people like me can't see that far with these trees blocking.
So i just walked and walked and walked.
Until a bus-stop came in sight and i practically ran like a mad woman hoping fervently there was a bus 30.
And there was :)

Somehow it felt like an adventure with all the ups & downs of emotions (and the tired feet).
K that was really embarrassing heheh.
See how much i've gone through just to pass up your assignments, Thio Si Jia & Iris Seah!!!
After so much adventure, i decided to be a good girl and pack (or throw) my Year 3 work in preparation for Year 4! Was a big mess but in the end everything was neat and tidy hehe i feel so proud of myself :D
Made a big decision to throw away all Year 1 & 2 work declaring them useless loooook!
On top of that, i've completed the Holiday Homework list & updated the planner that i can't live without hehe. Hoping to fill it with more events :)
Had a yummy dinner yesterday @ Hotel Rendezous with Mummy and her colleague. Food was great (as always) and let's just say i was a weeny bit greedy with the scallops heh. I ate 20+ of them :P But just look at them arn't they deeeelicious!
Really tired nowww, shall update more after band tmr. (Aiya you all know it won't happen one right heh) Nights! xoxo sweet dreams

You're simply just
driving me crazy ♥

P.S I'm going to give up on the quotes already hehe. Ran out & got bored of them. They'll be back when i feel like it k :)
P.P.S It's high time i replied my tags!!!

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