Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dunman High School Senior High Symphonic Band presents: 
30th December 2010 @ PAC
7pm - 9pm +
Please come okay! If you're a Kpop fan you definitely don't want to miss this. 
Anyway I know I've been a big fat liar I said I would update but in the end I didn't :( 
Been really busy with band rehearsals and life so haha I'll try to update after the concert k! Gonna sleep now cos' I'm super tired, must be energized to power through tomorrow lol good night!
Oh, and btw, subject combination's are out and I'm in ...


P.S I still don't know what is the problem with Blogger leh. My posts before the super long December post all went missing and it's not even in the Archives even though it says 'Published' in my Blogger account. Someone enlighten me please???

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