Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sooo it's been like a year and 5 days since I updated here which is ... terrible, I know.
It's just that Year 4 was tough and since I'm not really the don't-study-also-can-get-A-type, I had to sacrifice some stuffs which included blogging :(
Okay no no no that was like the more pretty side of the story. (Which is true, btw. Just not entirely) Truth is, after I came back from the 3D chalet, I had totally no mood to update here, and then throughout the whole year I've been very very lazy so ... hehe :P
Anyway, since I'm reviving this dead space, I thought to change the whole new layout cos' everybody's telling me they're damn sick of the old one already lol it's been there for like what, 4 years??? Hunted super long for a nice one and finally I found this! Well I actually edited a little bit. Oh wait no, I edited A LOT HAHAHA. But I'm satisfied with it. Cos' I wanted other colors but since the url has the word pink in it, I wanted to stick to the theme y'know. Nice not??? I'm thinking of adding in a Wishlist and a Likes/Dislikes column but I'm too lazy to do it leh, should I? Tell me please!
K so here's a summary of the important events (events that I would have blogged about) that's happened over the looong hiatus period:
After coming back from the 3D Chalet,
Qi Qi's Birthday Lunch / Swan Lake ballet / YCK's Concert / Christmas Eve Party @ my house / Xmas Party @ Chloe's / Band's Year 6 Grad Day / 2010 Countdown Party + Sleepover @ Qi Qi's / SSW Concert / Sojourn II / Y4 Orientation / Friendship Day / Valentine's Day / Chinese New Year / Backstreet Boys concert / Rhythm XXIV / Career Day / Earth Hour Performance / 6/3 Reunion / Danzage / EDS Night / Parent Teacher's Meeting / CS Concert / Level Camp @ OBS / Aviator's Programme (Best elective everrr) / CIP @ All Saint's Home / DHS Open House / Asean Plus Summit / PERTH / 6/3 Reunion (Yes, again ^^) / Youth Day Celebrations / World Cup Final (!!!) / Centerstage / National Day Celebrations / Band Chalet / Qi Zhi's Farewell Lunch / YOG Closing Ceremony / Teacher's Day celebrations / D'MVMT Open Class / Angeline's Wedding Lunch / EOY / Senior High Prepatory Programme / Post Exam Activities / Hallowinds / O level HCL / Work Experience Programme (!!!)
So yup that's pretty much sums up my life over the past year lol. Since WEP was like the most recent event I'll talk more about it :D
So 9 of us (we lucky pigs) managed to snag this attachment with Rajah & Tann LLP (a damn big law firm) for 2 weeks how cool is that??? The office is huge and pretty and they have like a mini canteen (only it looks nothing like the school one haha it's much more high class) which is super cool cos' not every company has that.
We had a very meaningful time there because we learnt A LOT. And not just stuffs related to the legal industry, but also a lot of stuffs regarding the working society aka The Real World. I feel like I've grown so much as a person while interning there and I think that it's a very valuable experience that I'll never ever forget! I've gained so much y'know, like friends, knowledge and experience :) We really bonded a lot together over this 2 weeks, and oh we even got to go to the Supreme Court to sit in at the hearings!
Shall not reveal too much about the work we did there cos' they're all confidential, but I know a lot of people think we did like secretarial work lol but that's not true. We got the opportunity to help them with their cases hehe cool to the max!!!
Anyway, I would like to thank my very cute team (my bosses) who taught me so much! They took us out for lunch and I liked it very much cos' we got to really talk to all of you and ask questions (personal ones as well haha) and to get to know you :) Oh and did I mention that we met Miss Neo there?!? She took me, Sarah and Clara out for lunch too hehe! I've missed her so much, I still remember our times in 2D when we used to bully her at first but grew to love her so much. It's only been like 5 days but I'm missing it very very much :( I hope I'll get to intern there again next year! K shit this post have had lots of words omg since when did I type such wordy posts? :0 I've picked out my favorite pictures from my very huge album so I'll leave the pictures to do the talking!
Photobucket's being such a jerk walao eh take so long to load!!! Will add in pictures tomorrow cos' I'm really tired now from the Touch Rugby training today. Shall blog about it tmr so good night y'all! So sorry the post is picture less today :(


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