Thursday, December 2, 2010

So the pictures above are my favorites from my album! Thank you Sarah Clara Yi Shao Sofina Rachel Ruo Wei Ai Wee Vanessa Dorothy Dawn Alina Jared Jeremy Mr. Reza Mr. Xavier and Wati for the wonderful time there. I can safely say that the 2 weeks spent at R & T LLP are one of the best periods of my life :)
Oh btw, Clara hasn't sent me her batch of pixels yet so I'll post those that I like when I get it from her k!
Had our first Touch Rugby training yesterday (Did I mention that I got into Touch Rugby??? :D) which was very fun. Miss Yeo or should I say Coach hehe taught us the basics and then we had drills practicing them. We played games related to the stuffs we had learnt and then we played an actual match! Which was a disaster cos' even though I was okay during the drills I totally blanked out during the match rofl. Everything happened so fast and I was like so confused lol but I still had lots of fun yesterday! It's very tiring though but it's okay! Like that I get to exercise more yay ^^
Then today, I went out to City Hall to meet my bby girl Iris for lunch! We ate at New York New York (yummmmmm) then Wen Xin came to meet us there. They were having this meal deal which is totally worth it you guys should go eat there too! So anyway after that we walked to Marina Square to watch Easy A 8) Bloody funny omg GO CATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!!! 

Sneak peek ^
After which we being the usual girls walked around talking and shopping. One random fact: It was the first time me and Wen Xin went out shopping together lmao after 4 years of friendship leh! Camwhored while Wang was trying on her clothes hehe pictures to be posted tomorrow cos' it's late and I'm going to sleep now :] The pix are already uploaded on FB though sooo yup.
Super excited cos' I'm going out with Mummy tomorrow to get my CONTACT LENSES :D :D :D
Will update again tomorrow after I get back k nights y'all!


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