Friday, February 24, 2012

Lights Will Guide You Home

Soooo yup after weeks & weeks of silence, I'm finally updating again! 
Mostly just a post on my personal feelings and all but first, a bit of what has been going on in my life for the past 2 months! (Can't remember much so :O) 
Zi Chun & Joanna's Wedding ^^ - Kyle Patrick Concert + Meet & Greet (!!!) - Caught New Year's Day w Mummy - Christmas Eve Party @ my place - New Year's Eve Party @ Qi Qi's - SUPP PAPERS _1_ - MI: Ghost Protocol w Mich - Senior High Band BBQ @ NSRCC - Orientation: Katagomai 2012 (HOMA ZE BEST HOUSE WORXZX!!!) - Bitch Clan Swensen's Dinner HAHAHA - Simple Plan "Get Your heart On!" Tour w Si Jia @ Fort Canning Park (!!!) - Clarinets 团圆饭 - CNY - 拜年 @ Audrey's - Grandma's Birthday Dinner - Dinner w Daddy's Navy Comrades - 善德女王 大结局 (!!!) Valentine's/Friendship Day - NUS Geog Open House 2012 
Yup so that's about it, pretty much the highlights of what's been going on, of course there were loads of crap in between which isn't worth mentioning at all. Those feelings are still pretty much alive in me though. I'll never forget how hard I worked over the holidays (what holidays???) and how worried I was about my Supp Papers. Probably the first time I was concerned about something academic in a long long time. I remember how happy I felt after taking them, the you-know-can-pass feeling y'know? I won't forget my anxiety about retaining despite feeling good after taking the Supp Papers, a part of me wasn't sure if the teachers still believed in me & would let me advance on to Year 6. Thank god my results were quite satisfactory and I felt like a completely (okay maybe not completely) different and new person which I liked more. So in the end hard work do pay off! 
And then school started proper and I've been managing my time better nowadays, I'm keeping up with (most) of my tutorials and I'm actually completing them all and submitting all my assignments so yay for me! Except for the essays though. Gosh those are still as torturous as ever I promise I will clear them soon!! :X Don't know how much longer I'm gonna keep this up though, what with CCA being included back into my life now I don't know if I can do it :( Felt good being back at band though, I'll always love playing w DHSSB no matter what. Made a v important decision to perform at RHYTHM, initially didn't want to but Saga Candida was to beautiful to let go. I really hope I won't screw up my March CTs though, gonna be such a challenge for me!! :( Fell down (yet again -.-) and this time my old injuries have came back to haunt me. Tore a tiny bit of my ligament in my left ankle so no sports all the way till 17th March ARGH I haven't been exercising for a long time due to my injuries and I feel so disgusted at how fat and unfit I am now :( 
Okay just a short side track. Been watching 善德女王 since the holidays and it finally ended somewhere mid January. I was devastated man gosh this is what happens when you watch long dramas, especially Korean ones, you'll just get so emotionally attached to it that you really don't want it to end. I can probably go on and on about this show but I've got to say, IMHO, this has got to be one of the best historical Korean dramas of all time you heard me? OF ALL TIME! At the same standard as Jumong (don't even get me started on this, can go on for days lol) hahaha the plot's really interesting and the cast are so good-looking!! Loved the love story between Deok Man & Bi Dam man why does it have to be a sad ending :'( I totally teared at the last episode lah and I'm not the kind to cry when watching TV one lol!! They're just so good together gosh have a look at some pixels ^^ 

Deok Man vs Mishil 

Deok Man & Bi Dam till the very end *swoons* 
Been feeling pretty hopeless lately because of the heavy workload TCM has piled on us for Econs. Like wtf we gotta prepare 3 essays for 1 tutorial & there are 3 tutorials in a week?!? Obviously I didn't lah I just did what I can but stilllll because of this I couldn't really do much work for my other subjects. I hate the feeling when you know you've got many things to do and you really want to complete them all but you just really can't, y'know what I mean? The tests and assignments are all piling up now and it's really annoying me cos I feel like I'm slipping back to my old ways which got me nowhere last year :( Ahhh I don't really know what I'm typing anymore, just random thoughts that have been on my mind, so sleepy now lol. Really got to be thankful to my bitch clan and 6C11 man, they're the ones that help me get through each day aww :) 
Not looking forward to Friday at all (which is like, later actually lol). A different aspect of my life have been pretty happening since the second half of last year till now and I've made some choices which I may or may not have regretted. Ah whatever, I know I don't need to feel regretful for what I did at all. At least I tried to fix things but I still can't help wondering why you're acting the way you're acting now. I just can't believe how childish you still are, even up till today. Really SMH sia -.- I wish I knew what's going through your head so it won't be so frustrating for me now. Argh I get so annoyed just thinking about it. Really can't help comparing my current situation to my situation a few months back haha it's so similar man. I feel weird just thinking about it but my heart just tells me to go ahead with what I feel's right. You probably won't know what I'm talking about since everything is lumped together and I'm feeling so sleepy now lol but boy does it feel good to just say whatever you want to say hehe. Btw I've been indulging myself in online shopping too HEHEHE ^^ 
I keep wanting to update through the Blogger app on my phone but it's so lousy there isn't much formatting that you can do -.- Ah sigh, will probably be a million years later till I update again (+ with pix) so happy waiting heh gonna hit the bed now, nights y'all!


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