Monday, September 15, 2014


"We're always seeking the love we don't have" - Brianna Wiest
Suddenly had the urge to update this space a little bit so I'll start with this interesting read:
  1. You have to learn to date yourself
  2. You are awesome and complete as a person
  3. You don't have to be like him
  4. Redefine dating
  5. Be open-minded, inquisitive and learn about his geeky stuff
  6. You will never, ever be his number one
  7. New way of seeing calendar
  8. You learn about the bizarre human biological clock
  9. Life is too short to find fault in each other
  10. Trust your gut

So I've been home for the past week because I was down with shingles - parents didn't trust to let me stay in hall they wanted to personally take care of me at home so aww. It's actually been a pretty nice time at home to be honest, this past week. It kind of felt a little like my JC days, where my dad would fetch me to and from school; we watch a movie or show during dinner; I do my homework/surf the web aimlessly; sleep and repeat. So it was a pretty chill week without hall activities and late night suppers and what nots, would say I managed to repay a lot of my sleep debt lol. The medication though on the otherhand have a large pain in the ass because I gotta struggle to keep awake in class and I doze off 3 times a day cos the painkillers and snooze inducers LOL. Spent my weekend away catching up on Season 4 of GREEK (something I've been trying to do for ages) and The Originals (Feelin' a lil bit of vampire werewolf fever again gosh) Am thankful that it's almost towards the end of my medication alr and I'm going back to UHC tomorrow again for a follow up appointment! Fingers crossed I'll be alright, the scabs are healing and falling off already but some of them still remain and thus my face is still an ugly face sobz :'(
Alright that's about it, I don't know how long I can keep these updates going but to be honest it feels good to pen down my thoughts and feelings again :) Maybe I'll do a post on Uni life thus far next time ... but till then,

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