Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ray-Ban RX 5211
Gucci GG 3090
I'm finally getting a new pair of specs!!! 
BUT. I'm still not sure which one to get! I mean I like the Gucci one very much but my Mum keeps telling me to get the Ray Ban one so that's really making me rethink my decision. So actually when I walked into the shop I totally was not intending to buy any plastic frames, least of all the most cliched black ones. But after trying on all of the metal ones right, somehow all of them just didn't feel right so I just decided to give the plastic ones a go and surprisingly, they looked nice! 
Anyway, sorry for the late update ah I've been out all day long for the past ... erh 2 days lol. Went down to Raffles City with Mummy on Friday to go hunt for a nice pair of specs + buy my contact lenses.
Did you know that you're supposed to make an appointment with the shop's optometrist if it's your first time wearing contact lens???
I certainly didn't so poor me didn't get my contacts on Friday :( Funny sia, I've been going on and on about how I'm going to get my contacts soon but nobody bothered to tell me that small little fact! (Or am I supposed to know that already? :O) Oh, y'know right while I was @ Spectacle Hut trying on specs I keep seeing DHS Y5 seniors walking past lol I wonder why all of them were there :0
Then on Saturday, I went out again! Met Si Jia & Wen Xin @ Bishan to watch Bruce Lee, My Brother :)
It was a nice show, the guy acting as Bruce was handsome hehe and overall it was funny and touching. The funny thing is that I never knew how great he was till then haha it's like, I always here "li xiao long li xiao long" but I never really cared lol such a pity he died at 32 :( Went over to Nex after that to check it out and meet Yu Shan there. SI BEI CROWDED SIA WL! I swore never to go back there till the New-Mall-Craze is over -.-Jalan jalan abit, met Yu Long at a shop cos' him and Wang were buying Terence's b'day present together, then after that the 3 of us left for Simei! Parted ways cos' I had to meet my parents @ Eatzi Gourmet for dinner ^^ Then headed down to the NUS Cultural Center to watch the Kevin Kern Concert which was brilliant btw. The guy plays the piano like an angel even though he's blind!
Pictures after I get them from Wang!
As for today,
  Si Jia came over after Aspen to play Xbox with me!!! :D
We played Kinect for like 4 hours straight and we sweat a lot, which equals to burning calories yay! Freaking fun I tell you!
Y'know, it really means a lot to me whenever a friend or my cousin comes to my house to play with me, for some unknown reason. I guess it's the Only-Child-Syndrome?? I may seem as a very outgoing and sociable person, always going around making friends like drinking water like that. But when I'm home, sometimes I just get a little bit lonely. I've always been one step behind people leh: In P1, almost everybody had a Gameboy but I didn't. When my parents were finally comtemplating to buy one for me, the Gameboy craze was over already -.- I was the kind of kid who loves playing board games like Monopoly. I still do actually. But guess when did I get my first board game? P4. Yeah, the time when computer games were oh-so-popular so much so that everybody rather stayed home to play computer. When I was a kid right, every time my parents played board games with me, I felt like the luckiest and happiest kid in the world. I mean like seriously. I'm like probably the only teen now who still likes playing board games. I mean like, almost everybody that I know is sick of it already. You wanna know why? Cos' they all have siblings. And they all got to play this kind of games when they were kids together. But for me? Sometimes, when I really do want to play but nobody was there to play with me, I put my soft toys on the other 3 ends of the board and I pretended they they're playing with me. Pathetic huh? K now I just sound like some autistic kid lol. What I'm trying to say is that, even though my Mummy's students always play with me after their piano lesson, and when I go back to my grandma's house on Sundays I get to play with them too, but playing with daddy and mummy only just made it so much more special, y'know what I mean? And as I grew older, lesser people came to our house to play because of the stupid education system -.- Which means I almost never got to play board games with people anymore. So now every time somebody comes over to my house to play with me I feel truly blessed. Because it feels like I've got a sibling, even if it's just for a day. 
Boring post today ~.~
Will post up pictures ASAP k! Tomorrow I'll be going down to Raffles City again in the morning for my appointment w the optometrist and I'll be getting my new specs! (I've decided with Gucci ^^) Then after that I'm going to Qi Qi's house to help them cos' they're moving house yay! It's gonna be a happy day tomorrow hehe so excited already man can't waittt! Will most probably update on Tuesday? Or maybe Wednesday who knows haha k night's y'all! :)


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