Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Been wanting to update for a really really long time but I've been such a busy (and lazy) girl heheh. I think it's cos I've got lots of pix to upload and the thought of that really turns me off lol. So I guess you can look forward to more posts in the future but with less pictures :P 
In the past, I always updated my posts with pix and didn't really dare to post too personal thoughts cos I know there are quite a number of people reading this space but from now onwards, that shall all change muahahaha. I'm so tired of hiding everything so (since I'm so lazy with updating pretty posts) I think I'll just post whatever I feel like saying and even though it may be boring to you readers out there, I think it will make me feel much better y'know, saying whatever I want hehe. Anyway nowadays people seldom come here already so I guess that's better?
Slept a lot during the much needed holiday weekend :-) 
Of course that means many things undone as well but aiya who cares man I need all the energy I have for SYF which is like ... TOMORROW!!! Super nervous but I'm so proud of us Senior High band, considering how many obstacles and difficulties we overcame to reach where we are today I mean like c'mon man we have no bloody french horns!!! Like Mr Teo/Mr Ng said, "Whether it's with 3 wheels or 2 wheels or even 1 wheel, we will still continue on." Or something like that I can't remember the exact line lol. Everytime I hear our Lotus Sutra I'll have goosebumps and my heart will just swell with joy hehe it really is very healing!
K nuff''s said I should really go sleep now hmmm my body clock is totally screwed upside down man after SYF I must turn it back to the original pace!!! Will update with a more reader-friendly post sometime soon ... Good night! ;)


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