Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tiffany & Co. - One of a girl's many best friends ;)

Hello everyone!
Once again, it's been a really busy week for me (as always) but I'm trying to find time to blog more regularly now hehe anyway an update of what's been happening this year so far ... 
SWO Concert // Clarinets Chalet // Senior High Orientation // Kelvin & Xin Jia's Wedding // Year 5 Parents Seminar // Pompeii Exhibition Visit // Clarinet's Reunion Dinner // Soccer boots shopping w Cass Ng & Nicky // Chinese New Year // Homa Reunion Lunch // Valentine's Day a.k.a Friendship Day // Aunt Agnes's 60th Birthday Dinner // Danceworks w Si Jia & Audrey // Dad & Mum's Wedding Anniversary dinner // 44th Band Anniversary Celebrations, Red Riding Hood w clarinets // Cousin Elaine's ROM // Career Day // Out w Edwin & Jon Wang // April Fool's Day // Touch Rugby Friendly w RJC // DHSSB (JH) SYF // Touch Rugby Friendly w ACS(I) // Band Exchange @ MJC // Easter Service @ Hope Church 
Cos' I'm such a lazy girl I won't bother elaborating further lololol

There were a lot of thoughts & feelings that I wanted to say that Wednesday night but I didn't cos' I had to chiong out my PI :( I really don't feel like talking about it anymore cos' ... I'm not in the right mood now y'know what I mean rofl but I shall try to express my thoughts clearly!!
To be honest I was really quite disappointed at first I mean like, Bronze really isn't something that you see often in DHSSB's history. But after calming down and thinking it through, I realize that it really isn't the color of the medal that counts but the effort, friendships and memories that we've all forged in the process that counts. Not giving excuses or anything but given our situation, we really didn't know what to expect. 
C'mon man it was only 2 months ago then we decided to join SYF again, (because before that we didn't have French Horns and Mr Ng said it's very difficult to compete without the horns), only 1 month ago that we really started working intensively and we are the smallest band competing of only 32 people. Other bands were all at least thrice our size and we were probably the only incomplete band.
I'm very proud of ourselves, that we decided to go ahead with SYF even though all the odds were against us and of how far we've come!! We improved hell much in just less then 2 months and I'm so proud to say that I'm a part of this happy family! I'm extremely touched by the support Mr Ng, Mr Teo, Miss Soh, Mrs Wong, the alumni and our band juniors gave us, for standing by us throughout and also the band juniors who still look up to us even though we only got a Bronze. 
Reading all those posts on DHSSB's Wall on Facebook and all those Notes that bander's wrote really made me tear. I love our Lotus Sutra because it really is very healing! Everytime we play it my heart never fails to swell with joy and emotions. I really hope our next batches of juniors will stay on in the Senior High band to continue our legacy and fighting spirit, to make this racing car of 3 wheels into 4 wheels :-) 
军乐队一家人 never meant so much until that day, when I truly felt the meaning behind it! Love DHSSB so so much we really have bonded so closely together!! 
And a special dedication to my beloved Clarinets:
Natalie, Roy, Ching Woon, Zoe and Kristal are the best part mates I can ever have we're seriously the awesomest section everrr 8) We're such a crazy bunch I really don't know what would have happened if not for them. There were times when I really felt giving up, when I felt so tired that I wanted to just back out. But it was them who encouraged me to stand back up and to persevere on, and it was them who made this SYF process so much less painful I'm so thankful for all of them!!! :-)
Here are some pixxx:
The cupcakes that our clarinet kids baked for us!! ^^

Camwhoring en route to Republic Poly w Nat ^^

A little doggy that Mrs Wong gave all of us :) Sokute right!!
Really tired now so I shall go sleep! Slept damn late last night watching the election results and woke up early today for tuition so I'm dead beat :/ Shall update bout my past week again tomorrow or in the next few days I guess, gotta get up early tomorrow again siannn. But it's ok it's Sentosa with my Touch Rugby babes I can't wait hehe!! Okie good night everyone ^^

P.S Argh sian I really don't know what's wrong with the post some pix are everywhere and the font size is all wrong :'( Walao why my pretty blog template got so many problems siannn I think it's cos of the excessive amount of pix??

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