Monday, September 5, 2011

Missing my Mama Shark & her 11 Baby Sharks ~
So the September Holidays have just started. 
I'm quite pleased with what I have accomplished this week, which further proves my point that I'm a lot more productive when I don't leave the home at all; Improves my efficiency by up to 50% trololol. Really wanna make the most of this week to further catch up on all the shit that I've sort of neglected ... Oh man there's so much content I don't even know whether I can finish revising everything :( Fucking scared for GP cos from my previous week's test results, I missed the E mark by just 1. bloody. mark -.- That's the worse kind of feeling sia, the "so-close-yet-so-far" feeling. I really do not want to retain all because I can't pass GP :( 
Dr. Tony Tan
Dr. Tan Cheng Bock 
Just some of my personal views regarding the Presidential Elections. 
I'm not going to rant all about TT here because he is afterall our newly elected President. But I just wanna say that I was a full TCB support all the way k. I personally feel that he's the best man for the job because he's not really pro-PAP or pro-Opposition per say. He's more of the neutral man I guess. & Reading some of the stuffs that he pledged to do for Singapore really made me want to vote for him (if I could) because those are really areas in which Singapore can improve in. The main point is that all those who voted for TJS or worse, TKL (those are the ones who should go screw themselves) should be regretting deeply now because what's the point of voting the opposition solely cos you do not like PAP? You know that at this stage TJS can never draw in enough votes to win so obviously the best strategy would be to vote for TCB right, like that everybody will be happy -.- Aiya whatever, that's just my own view lah haha. Oh & don't you think TCB has a much more humble look then TT??? :-)
Btw, I had a very fairytale-like moment last Sunday!!! Hehehe this is so exciting, must share must share ^^
K so I just finished tuition @ Aspen & was waiting for Daddy to come pick me so I decided to go look at some books at Borders. Of course, me being me, accidentally knocked down some books from the shelves so I immediately bent down to pick up as many as I can (cos y'know, v embarrassing sia lol) and while picking, somebody bent down to help me! So of course one's natural instinct would be to look up & say Thank You right so yeah I did that, and stared straight into the eyes of a really cute guy LOL. The best part was we remained that way for a about 3 seconds?? Which actually felt like forever hahaha and in my head I was like thinking "Omgz so fairytale!" and didn't really know what to do so I quickly put back the books and ran away -.- 
Sian should have stayed and maybe talked to him right HAHA
Yes, me & Yi Jia were just discussing the other day about how embarrassing and retarded things happen to me almost every single day and I told her I should submit a story to Seventeen Magazine (my all time fav mag hehe) every month and probably win some prizes cos they'll send you a gift if they think your story is pathetic enough HAHAHA. We also wanna create a 5C11 Book to jot down all things funny that happens in our class which is actually, A LOT :D I'm not kidding man if we started this from the start of the year we would most probably have published it in June teehee yes that's how awesome my class is and gosh I'm already missing them so so much!!! Life in class is never boring without them and people may think we're all oddballs being jumbled up together but I think that's what really makes us such a special and unique class aww lurbes euu all tuu eei maxzxzxz!!! ^.^ (twit fail lmfao)
More about Teacher's Day and SAF Tea Session and Kaiser & Audrey's Wedding another day! (Cos I gotta upload pix onto my flickr first, stupid Facebook no longer has that picture link thing anymore argh so irritating). Hahaha really tired now, didn't manage to catch much sleep cos yesterday's wedding ended really late. Was talking to cousin William online just now rofl it was so amusing man. I swear talking to kids like him make my day :D (Even though they can get pretty annoying) Love my family so so much I'll post pixels next time! In the meantime, you can go check out my Facebook Page if you wanna see them beforehand. K that's all good night y'all ~


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