Friday, September 16, 2011


Okay kidding that's not really my situation now ... But you get my point right???
I did question 6, the celebrity and was feeling really happy cos finally there's a question that I can actually blabber on and on about. Not so confident though because when I get excited ... I tend to spout rubbish too :/ Was thinking bout how I could have ended my conclusion better but sigh what to do when I started my essay @ 10 AM which leaves me only an hour left to write my essay and omgz I couldn't believe I finished my essay just on time!!! I swear man, so proud of myself :') Completed my GP Essay within an hour when I looked up at the clock it was 10:59:50 LOL usually when there's 5 minutes left I'll be like oh shit then abruptly scribble a conclusion. So anyway mixed feelings bout GP, really hope I didn't get too excited and write irrelevant stuffs :/
It really sucks that after GP it felt like holiday already and up till now, I still don't have the mood to do work (especially after not wining those 91.3FM tix argh) and I've got like bloody loads of stuff to do!!! Somebody just shoot me now please :( Totally no mood at all, not a single bit!! How now brown cow???
Just some funny exam shit to cheer myself (and hopefully the rest of you out there) up teehee if only my Chem Promos could be like that!!! Now 5C11 has gotten over our Pandadog craze and have picked up on the Kartrider craze whoohoo! You should totally see us all in action, gosh the amount of vulgarities that we spout ... Okay fine the amount of vulgarities that I spout ROFL, may upload a vid next time lololol. 
For now, it's back to looking for motivation to complete my work!!! I hereby anticipate no sleep for tonight -,- Till next time, keep mugging hard y'all good night! 

P.S I played a Barbie game just now for fun and not bad sia quite fun HAHAHA go try it if you're stressed out now ;) 

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