Monday, October 24, 2011


Hey everyone! :) 
Sooo it's been pretty long since I last updated. I would say it's been a pretty emotional time for me. After promos I went crazy and played hard, then after getting back our results I immediately went into emo mood + lots of comfort food with my 11. Everything just went downhill from there I guess. Wanted to vent all my sorrows and frustrations over here but somehow I just felt like escaping everything. Been spending most of my time watching dramas on Funshion, it really helps get my mind off things btw!! Immersed myself with catching up on Gossip Girl / Glee / The Vampire Diaries / Teen Wolf / Hellcats to escape from my harsh reality. I feel like I've really grown up a lot over the past few weeks (emotionally, I mean). It has made me really think about my future & at the same time, I realized who all my true friends were. Was really heartwarming to know how much people actually care about me aww! So wanna thank all you people out there who have supported me through this period of tough time, you guys know you are :') 
Now that I'm feeling a lot less suicidal compared to a few weeks ago, I hope I'll continue updating regularly!!! Went out shopping with my Cow Family babes right after Promos, and I had friends come over to play XBOX Kinect with me too hehe! Fun times, fun times ~ Other than that it's just been hell loads of PW and drama watching for me, nothing special lololol. Noticed that my blog hits went up by hell loads ever since my post on The Wanted heheh, I know all of you are waiting for Part 2 but don't worry it'll come ... soon! I promise!!! x 
"You are a fascinating, occasionally maddening woman. You have a quicksilver mind and a gigantic heart. You love your friends to a fault and despise injustice with a white-hot intensity. You resist authority, not because you’re an anarchist, but because you’re a leader by nature. And you refuse to be bullied, and will not allow me to win an argument if you know you’re right. And you’re not afraid to laugh at yourself. And you’re a slightly, slightly better guitar player than I am. And that, Marti Perkins, is but a small sampling of the things I like about you." - Julian Parrish (My favorite scene from Hellcats EVER!)
Out of all the dramas I've been spamming, Hellcats has got to be one of my hot favorites!!! Next in line would be Vampire Diaries but since that show's still on-going I don't really have much to complain right heh. But Hellcats!!! Gosh I was so shocked to find out there wasn't a Season 2 man I mean like WTF there are still issues unresolved in the plot how can they just end like that?!? :( So disappointed with The CW luh, at least give them another season to finish up the plot argh!!! Feeling super hungover now lololol the male & female leads are all so attractive (I don't know why but I'm most attracted to the oldest one who's the hot law professor hehehe)
MY FAVORITE COUPLE JULIAN & MARTI!!!!! Student-Teacher relationships are so sexy ~ 

Next favorite couple SAVANNAH & DAN!!! Can't stand it they're both so good-looking ^^ 

And finally I love seeing Vanessa & Red together they're so sexy!!! ~ 
Red: You set a date yet? Vanessa: No. When I do, we’ll send you an invitation. Red: Don’t waste the stamp. Vanessa: Oh, come on, I’ll save you a dance. Red: The only way I’m coming to your wedding is if I’m the groom. Vanessa: Don’t talk like that. Red: I want more than a dance. Vanessa: But wanting isn’t getting. Red: Nope, it’s just wanting. (They kiss) Vanessa: You happy now? Red: For now. Vanessa: You proved your point. You win. I am engaged to someone else, somebody who deserves better than this. I should be happy. I should be planning my wedding, instead I’m here kissing you. Red: It was just a moment. Vanessa: I don’t think so.  
Hellcats - Worried Baby Blues. (1x13)
Okay that's it. Stop it Isabel, stop it.
In other news, clumsy me fell down while getting off an old SBS bus last Saturday and suffered open wounds on my left elbow and right shin and fractured my left feet. But that's not the best part! Careless me apparently didn't learn her mistake and once again, fell down while walking down Jieyu's stairs and this time, fractured my right foot so guess what! Now both of them are bandaged and I look like a moron -.- 
Sigh why am I such an accident prone :'( 
 Really gotta emphasize on how I touched I am by everyone who's showed so much concern for me, whether it's regarding my academics or my injuries (LOL) or my well-being :') 
Don't know what I would do without all my friends!!! Alright I'll go watch some 90210 now, The Wanted Part 2 post coming up soon!!! Nights y'all :-) 

P.S Our whole class got literally man slaughtered by Miss Teo for OP Internal Trial today rofl "BORING!!!" Gosh we all gotta spice up our OPs now! 

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